Heartily congratulations to Mr. Abinash Das for successful defence of his thesis.
Dr. Abinash Das received prestigious Institute Post Doctoral Fellowship at IIT madras.
Ms Pujita N. and Mr. Nikhil SK for receiving the best project proposal for receiving award in the institute level Anveshan 2.0, 11-13 Jan 2020.
Heartily congratulations to Ms Pujita N. and Mr. Nikhil SK for achieving second best project proposal (basic science) east zone Anveshan, held at Jadavpur University.
Ms Pujita N. received best poster award in the national conference in Hard and Soft Condensed matter , held in Tezpur University.
Mr. Abinash Das and Mr. Manoj Hazarika received best project proposal award in institute level Anveshan , Jan 2019.
Mr. Abinash Das received prestigious International Travel support in young Scientist category sponsored by SERB for participating in 10th European meeting on solar chemistry and photocatalysis: environmental application, spain (5-8 june 2018).
Congratulations Abinash Das and co-authors for our new publication in Materials Science and Engineering: B [Impact Factor:4.706].
Congratulations Abinash Das and co-authors for our new publication in Materials Chemistry and Physics [Impact Factor:3.408].
Congratulations Abinash Das and co-authors for our new publication in Journal of Alloys and Compounds [Impact Factor:4.650].
Congratulations Abinash Das and co-authors for our new publication in Materials Chemistry and Physics [Impact Factor:3.408].
Congratulations Abinash Das and co-authors for our new publication in Materials Science and Engineering: B [Impact Factor:4.706].
Congratulations Nikhil SK and co-authors for our new publication in Optical Materials [Impact Factor:3.08].
Congratulations Dr. Abinash Das and co-authors for our new publication in Optical Materials [Impact Factor:3.08]
Congratulations to the editors of CMDAYS 2020 for timly publication in springer procedings.
Congratulations Dr. Abinash Das and co-authors for our new publication in Advanced Powder Technology [Impact Factor:4.833].
Congratulations Pujita Ningthoukhongjam and co-authors for our new publication in Optical Materials [Impact Factor:3.08].
Congratulations to SMaRT Lab for the new Germen Patent.