
  • Heartily congratulations to Mr. Abinash Das for successful defence of his thesis.

  • Dr. Abinash Das received prestigious Institute Post Doctoral Fellowship at IIT madras.

  • Ms Pujita N. and Mr. Nikhil SK for receiving the best project proposal for receiving award in the institute level Anveshan 2.0, 11-13 Jan 2020.

  • Heartily congratulations to Ms Pujita N. and Mr. Nikhil SK for achieving second best project proposal (basic science) east zone Anveshan, held at Jadavpur University.

  • Ms Pujita N. received best poster award in the national conference in Hard and Soft Condensed matter , held in Tezpur University.

  • Mr. Abinash Das and Mr. Manoj Hazarika received best project proposal award in institute level Anveshan , Jan 2019.

  • Mr. Abinash Das received prestigious International Travel support in young Scientist category sponsored by SERB for participating in 10th European meeting on solar chemistry and photocatalysis: environmental application, spain (5-8 june 2018).

  • Congratulations Abinash Das and co-authors for our new publication in Materials Science and Engineering: B [Impact Factor:4.706].

  • Congratulations Abinash Das and co-authors for our new publication in Materials Chemistry and Physics [Impact Factor:3.408].

  • Congratulations Abinash Das and co-authors for our new publication in Journal of Alloys and Compounds [Impact Factor:4.650].

  • Congratulations Abinash Das and co-authors for our new publication in Materials Chemistry and Physics [Impact Factor:3.408].

  • Congratulations Abinash Das and co-authors for our new publication in Materials Science and Engineering: B [Impact Factor:4.706].

  • Congratulations Nikhil SK and co-authors for our new publication in Optical Materials [Impact Factor:3.08].

  • Congratulations Dr. Abinash Das and co-authors for our new publication in Optical Materials [Impact Factor:3.08]

  • Congratulations to the editors of CMDAYS 2020 for timly publication in springer procedings.

  • Congratulations Dr. Abinash Das and co-authors for our new publication in Advanced Powder Technology [Impact Factor:4.833].

  • Congratulations Pujita Ningthoukhongjam and co-authors for our new publication in Optical Materials [Impact Factor:3.08].

  • Congratulations to SMaRT Lab for the new Germen Patent.